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Nolan Bowl XXIII

Participants and Locations

Nolan Bowl I:4 participants, each from Muskegon, MI
Nolan Bowl II: 6 participants, each from Muskegon, MI
Nolan Bowl III: 15 participants from 9 cities in 3 states
Nolan Bowl IV: 33 participants from 21 cities in 10 states
Nolan Bowl V: 53 participants from 33 cities in 16 states and two countries
Nolan Bowl VI: 60 participants from planet Earth
Nolan Bowl VII: 93 participants from 42 cities in 20 states
Nolan Bowl VIII: 148 participants from 65 cities in 24 states
Nolan Bowl IX: 180 participants from 76 cities in 27 states and two countries
Nolan Bowl X:205 participants from 81 cities in 27 states and four countries
Nolan Bowl XI:226 participants from 86 cities in 27 states and eight countries
Nolan Bowl XII:246 participants from 33 states and nine countries
Nolan Bowl XIII:296 participants from 40 states and eight countries
Nolan Bowl XIV:285 participants from 32 states and thirteen countries
Nolan Bowl XV:320 participants from 32 states and thirteen countries
Nolan Bowl XVI:322 participants from 34 states and fourteen countries
Nolan Bowl XVII:332 participants from 37 states and seventeen countries
Nolan Bowl XVIII:368 participants from 41 states and eighteen countries
Nolan Bowl XIX: 383 participants from 39 states and sixteen countries on six continents
Nolan Bowl XX: Nolan Bowl XX: 356 participants from 36 states and twenty-one countries on six continents